
increase soil moisture Learn more about increase soil moisture

  • New technology of exploring soil moisture and ditch sowing green to increase production and farmers to be rich

    New technology of exploring soil moisture and ditch sowing green to increase production and farmers to be rich

    New technology of exploring soil moisture and ditch sowing green to increase production and farmers to be rich

  • High-yield cultivation technique of Potato-- double ridges and High soil moisture

    High-yield cultivation technique of Potato-- double ridges and High soil moisture

    Potato cultivated with high moisture content in double ridges is deeply loved by farmers because of its disease-free, large yield increase, good potato shape and high commodity rate. Therefore, double-ridge high soil moisture cultivation has become a technical measure widely adopted by Xuanwei farmers. The cultivation of potato with "double ridges and high moisture content" is characterized by the optimization and integration of improved varieties, good methods and good growth environment; the aim is to increase potato yield and commodity rate, and to increase farmers' income; the core of the technology is "six changes". That is, one is to change the use of many, inferior and miscellaneous varieties into application-leading varieties, and the other is to change the intercropping of corn and potato.

  • Catch eight points when sowing late stubble wheat with high yield

    Catch eight points when sowing late stubble wheat with high yield

    In general, the accumulated temperature before the late crop Ophiopogon japonicus is less, fewer roots, fewer leaves, fewer tillers, small seedlings and weak seedlings, but the development process is fast in spring. In order to ensure the high and stable yield of late stubble wheat, we must adhere to the comprehensive cultivation techniques focusing on increasing fertilizer application, selecting improved wheat varieties suitable for late sowing and early maturing, and increasing sowing amount. Focus on the following eight points: first, early stubble removal: early stubble, early soil preparation and early sowing should be achieved without affecting the yield of autumn crops, so as to speed up the sowing progress and reduce the loss of accumulated temperature. For

  • Irrigation and soil moisture Conservation in Chestnut Orchard in Spring

    Irrigation and soil moisture Conservation in Chestnut Orchard in Spring

    Chinese chestnut is a deciduous tree, is one of the woody grain trees, long life, known as "iron crops". Chestnut is nutritious and delicious, which can be used as a substitute for grain; all parts of chestnut can be used as medicine, bark, branches and leaves, wood pith can also be extracted and glued, and leaves can also raise camphor silkworm and tussah silkworm. Chinese chestnut wood is hard, straight-textured, moisture-resistant and anticorrosive.

  • Technical Opinions on Spring Wheat Management in Zibo City, Shandong Province in 2018

    Technical Opinions on Spring Wheat Management in Zibo City, Shandong Province in 2018

    In order to ensure smooth spring wheat field management and high yield and harvest of wheat, Shandong Zibo City Government issued a notice on technical opinions on spring wheat management of the whole city in 2018. Among them, the flag stage temperature is high, transpiration is strong, and it is most sensitive to water response.

    2020-11-09 Shandong Zibo City 2018 whole city wheat spring management technology
  • Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    In view of the late sowing date and low and unstable yield of wheat with cotton stubble, we explored a set of high-yield cultivation techniques for wheat with cotton stubble, which greatly increased the yield of wheat. In 1999, the planting area of the county was about 50,000 mu, with an average yield of 350 kg per mu. The main technical points are as follows: (1) pour enough soil moisture and apply enough fertilizer to make soil moisture before October 15, then pull out the cotton plant and transport it to the outside of the field, so that the late autumn peach will crack naturally on the cotton plant. Due to the large soil fertility consumption of cotton stubble, it is necessary to increase the amount of base fertilizer. But the cotton stubble wheat sowed late and depended on the main stem.

  • Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    In view of the late sowing date and low and unstable yield of wheat with cotton stubble, we explored a set of high-yield cultivation techniques for wheat with cotton stubble, which greatly increased the yield of wheat. In 1999, the planting area of the county was about 50,000 mu, with an average yield of 350 kg per mu. The main technical points are as follows: (1) pour enough soil moisture and apply enough fertilizer to make soil moisture before October 15, then pull out the cotton plant and transport it to the outside of the field, so that the late autumn peach will crack naturally on the cotton plant. Due to the large soil fertility consumption of cotton stubble, it is necessary to increase the amount of base fertilizer. But cotton stubble wheat sowed late, moved by the main stem and jointed.

  • Preserving moisture, warming, drought-resistant, early spring wheat, suppression, many benefits

    Preserving moisture, warming, drought-resistant, early spring wheat, suppression, many benefits

    Preserving moisture, warming, drought-resistant, early spring wheat, suppression, many benefits

  • How to moisturize Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation?

    How to moisturize Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation?

    How to moisturize Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation? Please introduce the method that the low water content of culture material after Pleurotus ostreatus harvest is the main reason for the low yield. The following three methods can be used to keep the humidity of culture material suitable. The soil-covered moisturizing method of bacterial rod wall makes a ridge with a height of 15 cm and 20 cm with the length of bacterial bag as the width in the greenhouse.

  • Meteorological and agricultural conditions: precipitation in South China is conducive to increasing soil moisture.

    Meteorological and agricultural conditions: precipitation in South China is conducive to increasing soil moisture.

    On the 13th, scattered heavy rainfall occurred in the south of the Yangtze River, the north of Guangxi and the east of southwest China. Among them, the rainfall in southern Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, central and southern Hunan, northern Guangxi, southern Guizhou, Sichuan Basin, southern Yunnan and other areas is 50mm and 110mm, Wenzhou, Zhejiang.

    2016-01-10 Meteorology agricultural conditions Jiangnan South China precipitation benefit soil increase soil moisture
  • How to control the watering time of corn

    How to control the watering time of corn

    Watering during sowing: the soil moisture is 65-75% of the field capacity. Watering at jointing stage: the soil moisture is 60-65% of the field capacity. Watering at heading stage: soil moisture is 70-80% of field capacity. Watering during filling period: soil moisture is 70% of field capacity.

    2020-11-08 Corn watering time how master summary sowing
  • Skillful management of wheat in late crop

    Skillful management of wheat in late crop

    The soil moisture and fertilizer should be adequate. The late stubble wheat must not rush to sow the soil moisture, under the premise of ensuring the soil moisture, re-apply the base fertilizer, conditional application of high-quality farm manure 3 square per mu; at the same time, according to the yield demand, 2% of the total N, P and K chemical fertilizer invested during the whole growth period and farm manure were mixed and scattered on the surface and into the ground. Select the right variety and increase the sowing quantity. Late stubble wheat is suitable for semi-winter varieties, which can be selected according to local conditions. At the same time, the actual days of late sowing are determined according to the local autumn temperature. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to increase the sowing amount by 0.5 kg per day according to late sowing.

  • Technical guidance on Spring sowing of Soybean in Northeast China

    Technical guidance on Spring sowing of Soybean in Northeast China

    In autumn and winter last year, the precipitation in Northeast China was less than usual, the soil moisture was insufficient, and the drought was serious. There is more rain and snow this spring, the temperature has risen rapidly since the beginning of April, and the temperature and precipitation are close to year-round. The soybean expert guidance group of the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center, on the basis of full investigation, put forward the following technical guidelines for spring sowing of soybean: first, strict selection of excellent varieties due to the dry climate last autumn, soybean harvest may not be physiologically mature, mechanical threshing increases the possibility of seed embryo injury.

  • Moisturizing skills of Culture material of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Moisturizing skills of Culture material of Pleurotus ostreatus

    1. The bacteria stick wall is covered with soil to moisturize. Lay a thick 15~20cm ridge according to the length of the bacterial bag in the shed, remove the plastic bag and put it neatly on the ridge. Each row is covered with 1 layer of soil with thick 3~4cm. Spray water on both sides of the soil and smooth it with mud. Then discharge the second layer of bacterial sticks and cover the soil, which can discharge 6-9 layers, and the top layer should still be covered with soil and wiped flat. Spray water once behind the wall to make the covered soil absorb enough water. From now on, spray water every day to keep the soil moist, according to the routine management of mushrooms. This method can increase the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus by 50%.

  • Technology of plastic Film mulching in large area of Spring Peanut to increase yield by soil moisture and dry sowing

    Technology of plastic Film mulching in large area of Spring Peanut to increase yield by soil moisture and dry sowing

    Plastic film mulching for fruit sowing is an effective measure to protect the whole seedling, resist drought and increase yield of spring peanut by early sowing. Linmu County Agricultural Technology extension Center began to experiment and demonstrate in 1987. From 1992 to 1993, the implementation area reached 8520 hectares, with an average yield of 3982.5 kg / ha and 4057.5 kg / ha, an increase of 13.9% and 16%.

  • Moisture-preserving high-yield cultivation method of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Moisture-preserving high-yield cultivation method of Pleurotus ostreatus

    At present, the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation is often not high, and the quality is not ideal, the main reason is that the moisture preservation measures in the cultivation process are not in place, especially the moisture content of the culture medium after the Pleurotus ostreatus is harvested is not suitable, resulting in the yield of the next crop is not as good as that of the previous crop, and the mushroom quality is getting worse and worse. How to make the yield of each crop of Pleurotus ostreatus balanced, high yield and high quality, the key is to do a good job of scientific moisture retention of culture materials. 1. The bacteria stick wall-type soil covering moisture is laid in the shed according to the length of the bacteria bag, and a 15 - 20 cm thick soil ridge is laid.

  • Edible Fungi Farming Pleurotus ostreatus Moisturizing Three Ways

    Edible Fungi Farming Pleurotus ostreatus Moisturizing Three Ways

    At present, the main reason for the low yield of Pleurotus ostreatus planted in rural areas is that the moisture content of the culture medium after harvest is too low. How to keep the culture medium moist and produce more mushrooms becomes an important factor for high yield of Pleurotus ostreatus. Fungus stick wall-type soil covering moisture: lay a soil ridge 15~20 cm thick according to the length of the fungus bag in the shed, and remove the plastic bag from the fungus bag that is about to produce mushrooms. Put the bacteria sticks neatly on the ridge. Each row is covered with a layer of soil 3 to 4 cm thick, sprayed on both sides and smoothed with mud. Then discharge the second layer of bacteria stick and cover with soil, can discharge 6~9 layers,

  • The key to improving the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus lies in moisturizing

    The key to improving the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus lies in moisturizing

    The key to improving the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus lies in moisturizing

  • The latest measures to prevent early spring wheat freezing

    The latest measures to prevent early spring wheat freezing

    Plotting hoe: top Ling Plotting hoe can loosen soil, preserve moisture, warm up, weed and enhance the cold resistance of wheat seedlings when the soil returns to slurry. Whether weak seedlings, strong seedlings or strong seedlings, we must pay close attention to the hoe during the return to green; for wheat fields with a strong growth trend, we can also appropriately deep

    2020-11-10 latest prevention wheat early spring antifreeze measures hoe in soil
  • The Ministry of Agriculture issued technical guidance on scientific fertilization for major crops in spring 2015.

    The Ministry of Agriculture issued technical guidance on scientific fertilization for major crops in spring 2015.

    The management of fertilizer and water is the key measure of agricultural production in spring. In order to strengthen the technical guidance for scientific fertilization of major crops in spring, recently, the Ministry of Agriculture organized relevant experts to formulate and issue the "Technical guidance on Scientific fertilization of Major crops in Spring 2015".

    2016-03-20 Ministry of Agriculture release 2015 Spring Major crops Science fertilization